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It's TIME to take an ACTION!

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Our Approach

The TOSS: Therapy Of Social Stigma is an approach to mental health and well-being that emphasizes the importance of understanding the social stigma related to mental health issues. Our focus is on providing evidence-based therapy, education, and support to individuals, families, and communities.
We strive to provide an open and accepting atmosphere for all individuals, regardless of their background, to receive quality treatment and support. Our approach is based on the premise that mental health issues are universal, and that understanding the social stigmas surrounding mental health can help to reduce the stigma and improve overall wellbeing.


The TOSS is dedicated to helping people overcome social stigmas and lead more fulfilling lives. We offer a holistic approach to mental health and life that includes individual therapy, group therapy, and workshops. Our goal is to provide our clients with the tools they need to tackle any issues they may be facing and help them find a path to improved mental well-being.We strive to provide our clients with an understanding of their challenges and the resources to work through them. At The TOSS, we believe everyone has the potential to lead a happy and successful life.

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